- How has a Kählig (Kaehlig) motor to be connected to a maxon ESCON or EPOS controller?
- What configuration is required to operate the Kaehlig motor.
Kählig brushless DC motors have a different direction of rotation and inverse Hall polarity than maxon brushless DC motors. Therefore some special settings have to be done. The connection assignment remains unchanged.
- You have to ensure that the wiring of the motor's winding phases, hall sensors signal lines, and hall sensor power is assigned like shown in the following table:
Kählig / Kaehlig assignment maxon assignment Phase 1
Motor winding 1 Phase 2
Motor winging 2 Phase 3
Motor winding 3 *Hall 1
Hall sensor 1 *Hall 2
Hall sensor 2 *Hall 3
Hall sensor 3 +5V to +24V
+5 VDC
(Supply output)Ground
*Hall 1,2,3:
Because of the different definition of the Hall sensor polarity of the Kaehlig motors the Hall sensor signals have to be inverted. This inverting can be easily configured by the "Startup Wizard" of EPOS Studio resp. ESCON Studio.
Specific controller parameter settings:
ESCON Studio's and EPOS Studio's "Startup Wizard":
- Motor data / "Pole pair number" = typ. 2
The value of 2 is typically valid for Kaehlig motors. Anyway please check the correct pole pair number for your concrete Kaehlig motor by its data sheet or contact Kaehlig if you are not sure about it.
Number of poles <-> Pole Pair number?
Please note that the pole pair number has to be configured. There might be the number of poles specified by the data sheet sometimes. The number of poles has to be divided by 2 to get the "Pole pair number" then.
The "Pole pair number" can be evaluated by ESCON Studio's "Diagnostics" tool. - Sensor / "Polarity of Hall sensors": Inverted
The polarity of the hall sensors has to be configured as "Inverted" by the corresponding dialogue field of the Startup wizard. - Please ensure that all other motor, encoder, and system parameters are configured properly based on the supplier's data sheets.
Specific configuration by ESCON Studio's «Parameter» tool
- Motor data / "Motor polarity" be set to the value [1](!!!)
- The parameter "Motor data" can just be accessed in user level "Expert".
(User Level configuration: see File / Options / Extended) - Right-click in the parameters after the value of [1] is set.
Execute "Store Parameters" then.
- The parameter "Motor data" can just be accessed in user level "Expert".
Specific configuration by EPOS Studio's "Object Dictionary" tool:
- EPOS2:
- Change the axis polarity by setting bit 8 of object 0x2008/00:
Bit 8 = 1 => xxxx xxx1 xxxx xxxx
If none of the other bits are set by the object's existing configuration (i.e. object's content is currently), writing a value of 256 [dec.] resp. 0x0100 into object 0x2008/00 corresponds to setting bit 8. - Right click in the Object Dictionary afterwards.
Select "Save all parameters" to save the configuration persistently.
- Change the axis polarity by setting bit 8 of object 0x2008/00:
- EPOS4:
- Change the axis polarity by setting bit 0 of object 0x3000/04:
Bit 0 = 1 => xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx1
If none of the other bits are in use (= set) by the object's existing configuration (i.e. object's content is currently 0), writing a value of 1 [dec.] resp. 0x0001 into object 0x3000/04 corresponds to setting bit 0. - Right click in the Object Dictionary afterwards.
Select "Save all parameters" to save the configuration persistently.
- Change the axis polarity by setting bit 0 of object 0x3000/04:
Final action after completed configuration:
- Execute "Regulation Tuning"!
Kaehlig brushless DC motors can be controlled by maxon EPOS or ESCON controllers. It is just required to ...
- ... connect the windings and hall sensors properly.
- ... configure the pole pair number (typ. = 2) correctly.
- ... configure an inverted "Hall sensor polarity".
- ... configure an inverted "Axis polarity".
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