- How has a Wittenstein motor to be connected to a maxon ESCON or EPOS controller?
- What configuration is required to operate the Wittenstein motor?
The Wittenstein MSSI Cybermotor is a brushless DC motor with multiple pole pairs (typ. 8 poles = 4 pole pairs). The following points have to be considered for wiring and configuration.
- You have to ensure that the wiring of the motor's winding phases, hall sensors signal lines, and hall sensor power is assigned like shown in the following table:
Wittenstein Cybermotor assignment maxon assignment Motorphase U (red)
Motor winding 1 Motorphase W (black)
Motor winging 2 Motorphase V (white)
Motor winding 3 *Hall U (brown)
Hall sensor 1 *Hall W (yellow)
Hall sensor 2 *Hall V (orange)
Hall sensor 3 V+ Hall (blue)
Vcc Hall 5V
(Supply output)GND Hall (green)
*Hall U,V,W:
Because of the different polarity definition of the Hall signals of the Wittenstein motor the Hall signals have to be inverted. This inverting can be easily made in the "Startup Wizard" of EPOS/ESCON Studio.
Important: Pin Assignment & cable colours!
Please check the cable colours and naming based on Wittenstein's up-to-date data sheet. maxon cannot take any warranty that the provided information above is still valid. The cable, pin assignment (and technical data as well) might be subject to change by the motor manufacturer! maxon does not take any liability in case of a damage due to a wrong wiring based on the table above.
Specific controller parameter settings:
Use the "Startup" wizard of ESCON Studio resp. EPOS Studio to configure the motor and sensor parameters:
- Motor data / "Pole pair number" = typ. 4 (-> check data sheet)
The value of 4 is valid for the MSSI Cybermotor line. Other Wittenstein motor lines might have a different pole pair number. Please check the pole pair number by the motor data sheet or ask Wittenstein about it.
Number of poles <-> Pole Pair number?
Please note that the pole pair number has to be configured. There might be the number of poles specified by the data sheet sometimes. The number of poles has to be divided by 2 to get the "Pole pair number" then.
The "Pole pair number" can be evaluated by ESCON Studio's "Diagnostics" tool. - Sensor / "Encoder resolution": Check data sheet
Wittenstein offers encoders with different resolutions (typ. 500 ... 2000 cpt). Please check and configure the resolution actually in use by your motor/encoder combination. - Sensor / "Polarity of Hall sensors": Inverted
The polarity of the hall sensors has to be configured as "Inverted" by the corresponding dialogue field of the Startup wizard.
- Please ensure that all other motor, encoder, and system parameters are configured properly based on the supplier's data sheets.
Final action after completed configuration:
- Execute "Regulation Tuning"!
Wittenstein brushless DC servomotors can be controlled by the maxon EPOS or ESCON controllers. It is just required to ...
- ... connect the windings and hall sensors properly.
- ... configure the correct "Pole pair number" (typ. 4 in case MSSI Cybermotor).
- ... configure an inverted "Hall sensor polarity".
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