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- How to tune the MAXPOS control parameters manually?
The "Regulation / Auto Tune" feature of MAXPOS Studio finds suitable control parameters for most applications. If these control parameters have to be optimized again for even specific control demands or due to very special mechanic characteristics, it is possible to adjust any parameter manually. This can be done by ...
- Configuring an adequate test signal.
The test signal must take care of the system's electrical and mechanical limits. Please configure amplitude peaks, acceleration /deceleration and velocity values which can be actually reached based on the power supply, motor winding's characteristics or possible limitations of the mechanics. - Applying the test signal.
- Modification of control parameters on-the-fly.
- Visual assessment of the system's reaction
The test signal's step response is permanently updated by the data recorder graphs. The influence any modified control parameter concerning the system's reaction can be judged by this.
Typically the following parameters will be modified for an optimization focused on single prioritized application demands, e.g. like fast control reaction, less overshoot, ...:
Torque / Current Control:
- P-Gain (Object 0x30A0 Subindex 0x01)
- I-Gain (Object 0x30A0 Subindex 0x02)
Position Control:
- Bandwidth (Object 0x30A1 Subindex 0x01)
- Damping (Object 0x30A1 Subindex 0x02)
- Reset Time (Object 0x30A1 subindex 0x03)
Attached document:
Please note the attached PDF document which holds some more information about the control parameters and manual tuning plus some screenshots.
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