- How to uninstall EPOS Studio in case of Windows'10?
If there is already an "EPOS Studio" version installed by your PC system, this one has to be unistalled before the "EPOS Setup" package can be installed again.
The uninstallation was processed by a special "Uninstall" link in the maxon program folder up to Windows'7. In case of Windows'10 this "Uninstall link" is not present anymore and Windows'10 standardized "App & Features" tool has to be used to start the uninstallation of the former "EPOS Studio" version.
- Type in "uninstall" in the Windows'10 search field (which is present by the "magnifying glass" of the windows bottom- or side-bar):
- If you type in "uninstall", you will see the "Apps & Features" tool:
(This is a screenshot of a German Windows'10 system.) - Click on "Apps & Features"
and search for "EPOS Setup" in the "Apps & Features" application list. - Click on the "EPOS Setup"
and click on the button "Uninstall":
("Deinstallieren" in this German screenshot.)
Additional notes:
Please note that there are so-called Windows "Administrator" rights required to install "EPOS Setup" and its drivers. If you have not the required rights by your company's PC installation, please contact your IT department and ask them to install EPOS Studio for you.
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