Where can I find manuals, technical specification, CAD files, software tools and libraries of maxon controllers?
maxon provides a lot of information and documentation for the different controller lines. If you investigate in using a product or you are using it already, you might be interested in this documentation and required software tools for initial commissioning.
If you have already installed the software package of your controller, most of the documentation (beside the CAD files) will be already present on your local hard disk. Please check the following default directories depending of the product and software package which you have in use:
- Software in use: EPOS Studio
- Default installation path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\maxon motor ag\EPOS IDX
- Software in use: ESCON Studio
- Default installation path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\maxon motor ag\ESCON Servo Controller
- Software in use: MAXPOS Studio
- Default installation path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\maxon motor ag\MAXPOS Positioning Controller
The CAD files are just available by the corresponding maxon product websites. The Downloads section of the product websites also provide all manuals, software tools, CAD files, and sometimes even videos.
- Open up your local maxon website or the global maxon website
- Type in the part number or product name of your controller in the search field,
e.g. 546047 in case of an "EPOS4 50/5" - Click on the controller:
The Downloads tab will provide an overview of all available document sections: - Click on the "Down arrow" symbol on all tabs (i.e. also for "Specification" and "Videos") to display the complete list of available downloads of the catalog pages, software packages, and manuals (resp. specified data and videos)!
- To install the complete software package and all manuals, the "Setup ...." package (i.e. "Setup EPOS" or "Setup ESCON") must be downloaded and selected on the "Downloads" tab:
During the installation of the "Setup ..." package automatically installs the "... Studio" software, the manuals for each controller in the series, and all firmware files are automatically installed on the local PC. It is not necessary to download individual manuals or firmware files separately. After the installation of the "Setup ..." package, the tree structure for the corresponding product line (e.g. "EPOS IDX", "ESCON", ...) can be found here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\maxon motor ag
- Only by installing the current "Setup ..." package ensures that the "... Studio" software, manuals and firmware files are up-to-date and have a mutually related "compatible" version status.
It is not recommended to download only firmware files from the "Downloads" section and copy them into old system environments. There is a risk that the functionality of an existing old "... Studio" installation does not match the functionality of the new firmware file and therefore certain control functions are not correctly available. The "Startup" wizard does not provide all configuration functions for an outdated "... Studio" software version, the "Startup" wizard does not provide all configuration options or the "Regulation Tuning" does not lead to optimal results. - Please note that the "Hardware Reference" and the CAD files are just valid for the selected maxon product. If you are interested in the technical data, pin assignments of connectors, fulfilled standards, or CAD files of a product, please ensure that you opened up the product website and document corresponding to your concrete product.
- The "Firmware Specification", "Application Notes", and Software tools are common for all products of a product line (e.g. for all ESCON or all EPOS4).
where can I find EPOS4 USB drivers? there are drivers for EPOS2 but not for EPOS4.
Dear Janez Bozja
Your question was forwarded into a support ticket and has been already solved. Anyway, please let me answer it as a general information for other users too.
The EPOS4 resp. EPOS Studio and the EposCmd library is using the generic HID Windows USB driver. There is no(!) need for a specific USB driver (like FTDI for EPOS2) anymore. This the reason why there are no specific USB drivers available for the EPOS4.
If you plug in the EPOS4 into your PC's USB the first time, the driver will be automatically installed by Windows. This can take a couple of seconds. As soon as the driver is installed, you can check it here:
If you plug in and out EPOS4's USB, you will see an "USB input device" appearing / disappearing in the "Devices and Printers" overview.
Important to keep in mind:
It is mandatory to power-up the EPOS4 if you want to establish a connection and data exchange with EPOS Studio or any other master. USB bus powering is not sufficient and any USB communication is blocked.
Thanks for using maxon controllers.
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